Kroger Community Rewards offers the congregation the opportunity to help generate funds every time you shop at Kroger. The program is free for participants and generates additional income for the church! Each time you shop at Kroger, and present your Kroger Plus Card to purchase food and other items, a percentage of the profits will be donated to the church. Enrolling in the Kroger Community Rewards program is quick and easy. Visit www.krogercommunityrewards.com and follow the instructions. Epworth’s organization number is ( UD136 ) .
Endowment Fund

Epworth United Methodist Church Endowment Fund was established in 2018 to provide members and friends an opportunity to make charitable gifts to the mission and ministry of Epworth. The Fund is intended to be used for programs and ministries which will continue the vision of “following the example of Christ by welcoming, nurturing and serving all people in love” into the future. For more information about our Endowment Fund, please contact Rev. Jennifer Casto at jennifercasto20@gmail.com.

If you would like to give to Epworth, either as a one time donation, or as your regular offering, you can do so here. You can either give to the overall ministry of the church, or designate it for a particular mission, such as food ministries, Drive-Thru Live Nativity, or memorial gifts.